Another step towards a cleaner future


The climate change we are witnessing is an urgent and potentially irreversible threat that requires, today more than ever, to be a priority.

The climate change we are witnessing is an urgent and potentially irreversible threat that requires, today more than ever, to be a priority: to combat global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

TTS, sensitive to these issues, decided in its own small way to invest in developing an information system to calculate greenhouse gas emissions for each phase of the product life cycle (LCA).

With the knowledge generated by the study and by the software, TTS can now allow the user to make an informed and responsible choice by communicating impact data, review product design to reduce the impact of new products and implement emission compensation programs.

In this regard, the company has chosen to contribute to the reforestation of Ralser, an Italian forest recently hit by the Vaia cyclone: a concrete gesture that allows the absorption of 500 tons of CO2 per year that completely offsets the emissions for the number of Magic trolleys sold in a year.

The compensation program launched makes Magic the first line of carbon neutral trolleys.

The work carried out has made it possible to achieve an important goal: TTS is one of the first companies in the world to have obtained the certification of the CFP Systematic Approach implemented.