Efficient collection management
Collection is not the same everywhere: needs change according to the location or site where it is carried out, the type of waste collected and the need to sort it, requiring highly efficient solutions that facilitate collection and make it convenient and intuitive.
When developing customised solutions for the task, it is essential to guarantee maximum protection in terms of hygiene: the surfaces must be smooth to facilitate the cleaning and disinfection of bins and waste collection trolleys, helping to maintain a high standard of hygiene.
In addition, it is necessary to ensure long-lasting products: waste bins and trolleys must be designed to resist frequent use and the materials used to make them must guarantee maximum strength.

Hygiene: a key factor
The choice of raw materials is an important factor that brings undoubted advantages in terms of hygiene.
Many products currently on the market are made with medium or low-density plastic, which makes complete cleaning and accurate disinfection of surfaces impossible due to their textured profile and high porosity. Furthermore, some types of plastic can be damaged by the disinfectants used, irreparably compromising the products.
TTS plastic bins and trolleys are made using high-density premium polypropylene: this is the only way to obtain smooth surfaces that are easy to clean and disinfect and resistant to all types of disinfectant, ensuring maximum hygiene and long life.

TTS solutions
TTS is constantly engaged in the design of professional solutions for efficient collection, made in Italy with top quality materials that provide extreme resistance and durability and guarantee a high level of hygiene.

Bins for every need
Stylish, practical and hygienically designed, TTS bins are available in different models, capacities and colours to satisfy every need, making waste collection easy and convenient.

Waste collection trolleys for optimal collection
TTS collection trolleys are designed to facilitate all collection operations, from filling to emptying the bag holder, waste transport and cleaning.