Waste reduction

Reducing waste with on demand soaking

Evidence shows that the best hygiene practice is to use one clean mop, soaked with the appropriate solution, for each area. This can be done manuallypre-soaking the mops in hermetic buckets, or by using floorcare machines.

Both of these procedures involve considerable wastespace, where you have to store pre-soaked mops; time, to set up the procedures; effort, in moving heavy wet mops; and cleaning solution, due to overdosing and over-preparation.

Moreover, these procedures compromise the efficacy of the active principles in the cleaning solutions as the mops are used some time after pre-soaking.

Soaking on demand means

Reducing time needed for mop preparation

Soaking only the mops you really need

Carrying only dry and light mops

Reducing subjectivity and avoiding mistakes in dosage

Preserving active principles, reducing the amount of chemical solution needed